It´s almost winter but I loved the autumn. How amazing are all the colors of the leaves or the beautiful sunsets? That’s why I absolutely love autumn and love shooting during this time. Today I am showing you some of the pictures I had shot the last weeks. I also created a preset for these type of photos, if you’re interested you can always email me.
The first series I shot at someone property. They sell pumpkins and calabashes. Every day I went past these pumpkins and thought it would be so cool to have a shoot around there. It was a bit awkward next to the road and at someone’s property. Within a quarter we were finished and packed our stuff.
We bought some pumpkins at the little shop you saw in the photos above. The same day we also shot these photos. Just casually throwing some pumpkins, because why not? And a week later my mom made us some pumpkin soup, it was delicious.
Last week I went with my friend Vera to ‘Het Schaffelaarse Bos’ and we shot a lot of photos. A year ago we also went here and took some pictures and now we needed to redo this. HERE you can find some photos we created last year. I think we did again a great job and the photos turned out really great.
Which photo was your favorite? Let me know in a comment and let me know what your favorite season is and why. I’m curious, just let me know. And it’s almost December… Who’s alsa excited already? I am and I am also really busy with the adventcalender for this year you can already find the page in the menu on top of my blog (here you can also find the calender of last year). And make sure you subscribe to the newpaper so you will not miss a new post on my adventcalender.
Love Roos
Wauw, wat een prachtige foto’s. Ik waan me zo in het bos met al die mooie kleuren. Ik vind herfst ook zo’n mooi seizoen. Ik vind de 3e en 4e foto (geloof ik) met het meisje met de fiets, en daarna met de camera, ontzettend mooi. Vooral omdat ze staand zijn, en de verdeling qua kleuren precies in evenwicht is!
Oh wat heerlijk! Dit hele sfeertje is zo mooi. Mijn favoriete seizoen is qua gezelligheid de herfst, maar elk seizoen is zo fijn en mooi. Zo lang het maar niet regent he, haha. X
Wauw wat een prachtige foto’s!! Ze hebben zo’n fijne sfeer!
ooh de foto’s zijn echt prachtig, wauw!!! De modellen zijn ook allemaal zo knap!
wauw, echt prachtige foto’s, zoooo mooi!!! mooie modellen ook zeg!!
Prachtige foto’s! Echt heel mooi die herfstkleuren!